INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES In ensuring operational efficiency at the training center, the Technical Services Section of ISD resolved 2,949 help desk tickets this year, 55% of which were spent assisting students with registering for classes or accessing online classes. Additionally, video podcasts have emerged as an effective method for students to earn credit for their classes. Last year, ISD produced four podcasts: "How to Become a Police Officer," "CIT for 911," "Come in From the Rain," and "Lance LoRusso and the Blue Line Lawyer Institute." These podcasts collectively reached over 2,000 individuals, with 1,912 participants receiving POST credit for their engagement. Agencies Took Online Training: 1,379 The Instructional Services Division (ISD) plays a key role in developing and managing curriculum and online learning initiatives. This division encompasses two critical sections: Leadership and Curriculum Services, and Technical Services. On October 9, 2023, the Instructional Services Division hosted its inaugural Multidisciplinary Teams - Response to Sexual Assault class. Sexual Assault Response Teams (SART) are comprised of diverse groups dedicated to providing specialized and immediate support to recent sexual assault victims. Their approach entails a comprehensive and coordinated system of intervention and care, tailored to address the sensitive needs of victims. Typically, these teams include victim advocates, healthcare professionals, law enforcement officers, and prosecutors. During this course, student teams collaborate to investigate various scenarios, gather evidence, conduct interviews, and meticulously document their findings. Throughout the week-long program, officers closely collaborate with the multidisciplinary team. The culmination involves direct and cross-examinations led by instructor attorneys, designed to enhance the preparedness of investigators and Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE nurses) for their future casework. ISD Online Classes: 655 Tech Supported Classes: 2,273 ISD Online Students: 125,729 Tech Supported Online Classes: 1,128 Total Help Desk Tickets: 2,949 10